We offer a range of account options to help you maximize your savings and reach your long-term investment goals. Whether you’re looking to save for your first house, a child’s education, or your future retirement, many plans are available to help you start saving for the future.
A TFSA is an excellent way for investors to save for their short- and long-term financial goals. TFSAs offer a variety of benefits, including flexibility and tax-free growth. They can be withdrawn at any time on a tax-free basis and used for any purpose.
Designed to help Canadians save for retirement, the growth on investments inside an RRSP is tax-deferred, meaning you don’t immediately pay tax. Money is taxed – as ordinary income – only when you remove it from the plan. In addition, you get a deduction from the annual taxable income you earn for every dollar you contribute to your RRSP, up to certain limits.
An RESP is an effective way to save for, and maximize, the money available to children when they enroll in a post-secondary program. The Government of Canada and certain provinces offer several grants to help investors build their education savings. Contributions are not tax-deductible, but money inside the plan and any grant they attract can grow tax-free until it's withdrawn for educational purposes.
The FHSA is a registered savings plan that allows Canadians to save for their first home much faster, with some of the advantages of both an RRSP and a TFSA. Your contributions reduce your taxable income, your savings grow tax-free, and all qualifying withdrawals are tax-free.
The RDSP is a tax-deferred savings vehicle designed to help Canadians with disabilities and their families save for their long-term financial security.